Substance abuse disorders can be dangerous when left unchecked. The worse part is people who experience them may have difficulty separating themselves from the substances they are addicted to.
Without outside interventions, this situation may severely affect one’s health, social life, and overall well-being. It can rapidly deteriorate their physical and mental health, and may even cause some problems with the law.
As we provide a comprehensive assessment in Ontario for these situations and disorders, we recognize the role of social support during this time. Let’s look at how we can all help our friends who are battling an addiction.
For one, it would be helpful to check up on them regularly. Knowing what they are up to can help them keep themselves in check. A friendly message from time to time can help do the trick.
Also, it would help to actively help them avoid being around the substances they are addicted to. Exposure to these substances may trigger feelings of longing, which can tempt them to use these substances again.
Of course, it will always help to keep them in check by inviting them to various activities. They are your friends, after all, and spending time with them can help them think about other things in life that are more valuable than their addiction.
It would also be wise to encourage them to get professional help for their substance abuse disorder. With that, let us help your friends towards the path to a life free from addiction here at Fresh Start Clinic. We offer addiction treatment in Hamilton, Ontario, that can help your friends or loved ones achieve a better life. Call us today for your inquiries.