
Why the First Step is Always the Hardest

Drug Addiction should not be brushed aside; because it is a chronic disease it poses a grave and imminent threat not just to the patient but to the people around him. We’ve seen too many homes and lives wrecked because of substance ab...

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How Substance Abuse Affects Mental Health

It should not come off as a surprise that drug addiction and poor mental health are closely intertwined because the latter could cause the other and vice versa, and both may even simultaneously occur. Most people with bad Mental Health woul...

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Hepatitis C and Substance Abuse Disorder

Hepatitis C is a liver infection caused by the Hepatitis C virus. Anyone who had blood contact with an infected person is likely to get the disease. While it can be infectious in the short term, some may develop a chronic or lifelong infection which ...

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Substance Abuse Disorder and Your Mental Health

Dealing with mental health issues is never easy. You feel trapped, lost, empty, depressed, and all other self-limiting emotions. There are various interventions for people to regain their well-being, but some fall victim to substance abuse disorders....

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Seek Help: Break the Stigma of Addiction

Addiction is a complex problem that impacts the lives of millions of people around the world. The key is finding the right program for you — which can be tricky if you’re struggling with addiction yourself. By eliminating some of the stigmas ...

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Importance of Relapse Prevention for Your Loved One

Relapse is a common occurrence in the recovery process. Hence, relapse prevention is an essential aspect of addiction recovery that can help your loved one avoid returning to regrettable habits such as drug addiction. As a trusted provider of addi...

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